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Pancake Day Recipe For Your Pups

Are you looking for delicious and easy way to make your dogs day? Look no further than these peanut butter pancakes! They're perfect for a special breakfast or a fun afternoon snack.





  • 2 eggs

  • 100g Plain Flour

  • 250ml Water

  • 1 tbsp Olive Oil

  • 3 tbsp Peanut Butter


  • Strawberries , Raspberries or Blueberries

  • Peanut Butter



  1. Beat the eggs in a large mixing bowl

  2. Add water, peanut butter and flour to the beaten eggs

  3. If the pancake mixture is very thick you can add more water

  4. Place a frying plan on a medium heat and add a small amount of olive oil

  5. Add a ladle of batter to the pan and cook each pancake for two minutes on one side

  6. Once the mixture has begun to solidify, and the bottom side starts to change to a golden colour, flip the pancake and cook for an additional minute

  7. Repeat with the remaining batter

  8. For the toppings, spread the peanut butter on top of your warm pancake and decorate with your chopped fruits. Alternatively, you can warm some peanut butter up in the microwave for a few seconds and drizzle it over your pancakes before topping them with your diced fruit

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