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Updated: May 10, 2023

Puppy lying on bed tips for first time dog owners buddy & Co Luxury dog Hampers

Bringing a puppy into a new home for the first time can be a roller coaster of emotions but it can be the most special moment for any family. However, when you are welcoming a dog into your home there are things you need to be prepared for and consider, people may forget the most basic things when preparing for a puppy. From finding the perfect place for your canine to sleep, to finding the right toys based on their personality and breed. Here at Buddies blogs, we talk about advice and the best ways to help you in any situation you need help in, so here is what we found on welcoming a puppy into your forever home…


puppy blanket tips for puppy proofing buddy & co hampers luxury dog hampers


Puppy proofing your home and garden is the most important one of them all, puppies are so curious about their surrounding when their new to a place, but they should feel safe when there are exploring it also reassures you as an owner that there safe no matter what. The most common point of puppy-proofing your home is houseplants a variety of houseplants are dangerous to dogs including lilies, aloe Vera, ivy and more. It's always best to move these at a height that the puppy or dog cannot reach them at any angle, always double-check when buying new plants that they are safe before purchasing

HAZARDS! Hazards can stop a puppy from exploring stairs, wires, and small objects. To keep them safe consider buying a stair gate, and invest in a stair gate that is metal to stop them from biting the rails less for example if it was a wooden gate, they can easily bite through it as puppies like to chew on things that are new to them. That is why it is also important for dog owners to move any electrical cables, shoes, toys that are not theirs and anything else that is not safe or valuable items that you treasure.


It is a big day for a puppy when they leave the home, mother, and the rest of the litter, keeping the atmosphere calm that be a key thing in building the puppy's confidence by doing this it makes the puppy less stressed about approaching new smells and sights. There are many ways to know if your puppy is stressed, signs of stress can consist of yawning, panting, tucked ears and a tucked tail; this can be reduced in many ways but a terrific way of calming a puppy down is to exercise, it’s a way to distract them from what they are feeling. Alongside them getting distracted by exercise taking away from the stress, it’s a perfect time to take them into the garden, this is where the treats are needed, they can be rewarded to the puppy, when rewarding always use a positive tone especially if it’s something they should be doing when they are grown up, for instance, going to the toilet.

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Allow the puppy to explore but supervise them at all times but also allow them the space they need it is easy for such a young puppy to get overwhelmed, so allow them to come to you instead of the other way around you going to them to comfort them. This gives them the chance to explore the area where they will sleep, there are many ways of comforting your puppy on their first night many breeders may provide a blanket with their mother’s scent, this is the same as putting a familiar scent from your home in their bed with them along side soft toys and a blanket. The soft toys make them feel comfortable but also distract them from crying throughout the night, there are soft dog toys that have more than one benefit for instance a lavender blanket. This product includes a lavender scent inside which reduces anxiety and calm them even on other occasions like Halloween and when firework display nights, which is why at Buddy & Co we supply products that are beneficial but also products we suggest to other people as they are a product that we love ourselves.

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